Results for 'Pratibhā Rānī Dvivedī'

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    Āstika darśanoṃ meṃ manastattva.Pratibhā Rānī Dvivedī - 1992 - Naī Dillī: Rādhā Pablikeśansa.
    Concept of manas in Indic philosophy; a study.
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    Causation in Science and the Methods of Scientific Discovery.Rani Lill Anjum & Stephen Mumford - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Causation is the main foundation upon which the possibility of science rests. Without causation, there would be no scientific understanding, explanation, prediction, nor application in new technologies. How we discover causal connections is no easy matter, however. Causation often lies hiddenfrom view and it is vital that we adopt the right methods for uncovering it. The choice of methods will inevitably reflect what one takes causation to be, making an accurate account of causation an even more pressing matter. This enquiry (...)
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    Challenging Imperial Feminism.Pratibha Parmar & Valerie Amos - 2005 - Feminist Review 80 (1):44-63.
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  4. Evidence based or person centered? An ontological debate.Rani Lill Anjum - 2016 - European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare 4 (2):421-429.
    Evidence based medicine (EBM) is under critical debate, and person centered healthcare (PCH) has been proposed as an improvement. But is PCH offered as a supplement or as a replacement of EBM? Prima facie PCH only concerns the practice of medicine, while the contended features of EBM also include methods and medical model. I here argue that there are good philosophical reasons to see PCH as a radical alternative to the existing medical paradigm of EBM, since the two seem committed (...)
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    When Patient Voices Get Lost in Evidence Hierarchies: A Testimony of Rare Adverse Events and Participatory Epistemic Injustice in Drug Safety Monitoring.Rani Lill Anjum, Christine Price & Elena Rocca - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    We explore an unsolved challenge in the era of evidence-based medicine (EBM): the recognition of the patient as an epistemic agent or ‘knower’. While patients are increasingly acknowledged as carriers of values and preferences, it seems more challenging to acknowledge them as carriers of important causal information. In contrast, the science of pharmacovigilance depends on patient testimonies as valuable sources of causal evidence. This incompatibility can give rise to cases of what has been called participatory epistemic injustice. We analyse the (...)
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    The standard Bayesian model is normatively invalid for biological brains.Rani Moran & Konstantinos Tsetsos - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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  7. (1 other version)Powers as causal truthmakers.Rani Lill Anjum & Stephen Mumford - 2014 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 3 (4):5--31.
    [EN]Most theories of causation assume that it must involve some kind of necessity, or that the cause must be entirely sufficient for the effect. Others have already suggested that it should be possible to get a theory of causation from a theory of powers or dispositions. Such a project is far from complete but even here we find that the key point in a dispositional theory of causation has been lacking. This paper attempts to establish some of the most important (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Alternativt eller etablert? Hva er forskjellen?Rani Lill Anjum & Johan Arnt Myrstad - 2009 - Www.Nifab.No.
    Hva er vitenskap og hva anser vi som vitenskaplighet? Dette er spørsmål som kan være verdt å se nøyere på før vi aksepterer at det er et klart skille mellom den etablerte skolemedisinen og alt det vi kaller ”alternativ medisin” eller ”alternativ behandling”. For hva er det egentlig som gjør noe til etablert og noe annet til et alternativ? Er den etablerte medisin mer vitenskapelig enn den alternative, ved at den for eksempel benytter seg av mer vitenskapelige metoder? Er resultatene (...)
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  9. Powers and Potentiality; Stephen Mumford.Rani Lill Anjum - 2018 - In Kristina Engelhard & Michael Quante (eds.), Handbook of Potentiality. Dordrecht: Springer.
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  10. The concept of devotion as depicted in the gujarati poems of swaminarayan poet-saints.Pratibha M. Dave - 1981 - In Sahajānanda (ed.), New dimensions in Vedanta philosophy. Ahmedabad: Bochasanwasi Shri Aksharpurushottam Sanstha. pp. 1.
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  11. Āloka-parva.Hajārīprasāda Dvivedī - 1972
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    Advaita Vedānta evaṃ Kaśmīra Śaiva Advaitavāda.Viśvambhara Dvivedī - 2005 - Naī Dillī: Satyam Pabliśiṅga Hāusa.
    Comparative study of Advaita Vedanta and Kashmir Śaivism.
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    Bhāratīya saṃskr̥ti kā samagra svarūpa: nibandha saṅgraha.Vrajavallabha Dvivedī - 2002 - Vārāṇasī: Śaivabhāratī Śodhapratishṭhānam.
    Research articles on various aspects of Indic philosophy, Tantrism and Hindu culture.
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    Mahāyāna Bauddha darśana tathā Śāṅkara Vedānta meṃ paramatattva kī avadhāraṇā.Abhisheka Dvivedī - 2021 - Kānapura: Śubham Pablikeśana.
    Study of fundamental philosophy of Mahayana Buddhism and Vednata philosophy of Śaṅkarācārya.
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    Mānavanītivivecanam.Rādheśyāmadhara Dvivedī - 1999 - Vārāṇasī: Sampūrṇānanda Saṃskr̥taa Viśvavidyālaya.
    Comparative study of Suttanipāta and Upanishads.
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    Mahābhārata ke yogavijñāna kī samīkshā.Pratyūṣavatsalā Dvivedī - 2019 - Jayapura: Rāshṭrīya Saṃskr̥ta Sāhitya Kendra.
    Study on Yoga as depicted in Mahābhārata, Hindu classical epic.
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    Prāguttara Śāṅkara Vedānta.Vandanā Dvivedī - 2010 - Ilahābāda: Harilīlā Pablikeśansa.
    Study of Vedanta philosophy before and after Śaṅkarācārya.
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    Sanātanadharmoddhāraḥ: bhāṣābhāvaprabhāṭīkāsametaḥ.Umāpati Dvivedī - 2022 - Vārāṇasyām: Sampūrṇānandasaṃskr̥taviśvavidyālaya. Edited by Vācaspati Dvivedī.
    Work on doctrines of Hinduism and philosophy; Sanskrit text with Hindi commentary.
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  19. Śabdādvaitadarśanabinduḥ.Brahmadatta Dvivedī - 1981 - Vārāṇasyām: Anusandhānasaṃsthānanideśakaḥ, Sampūrṇānandasaṃskr̥taviśvavidyālayaḥ.
    On Hindu philosophy and Sanskrit semantics; transcript of lectures delivered at the Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya, 1980.
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  20. Saṅkhyasaṅgrahaḥ.Vindhyeshwari Prasada Dvivedi - 1969
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  21. Saṃskr̥tasevāsādhanā: Sva. Paṃ. Vāsudevadvivedīśāstrimahodayānāmatmaprakarṣaṃ Kartr̥tvaṃ Saṃskr̥tapracārāvadānam Cādhikr̥tya Nibaddho'yam Abhinandanagranthaḥ.Vāsudeva Dvivedī, Dharmadatta Caturvedī, Śaradindukumāra Tripāṭhī & Ramākānta Paṭeriyā (eds.) - 2006 - Abhinandanagranthasamitiḥ.
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  22. Sahaja-sādhanā.Hajārīprasāda Dvivedī - 1963
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    The imitation of Śaṅkara.Manilal Nabhubhai Dvivedi - 2005 - Delhi: Eastern Book Linkers. Edited by Jagdish Lal Shastri.
    Selection of texts from the Upanishads and other classical works.
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  24. Upanishad aura Ādiśaṅkara: samīkshātmaka adhyayana.Cakrapāṇi Datta Dvivedī - 2012 - Dillī: Nirmala Pablikeśansa.
    Study on Upanishads and commentaries of Śaṅkarācārya, Hindu philosopher, on it.
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    Vaishṇava purāṇoṃ meṃ ācāra-samīkshā.Premanārāyaṇa Dvivedī - 2018 - Naī Dillī (Bhārata): Satyam Pabliśiṅga Hāūsa. Edited by R̥ṣan Bhāradvāja.
    Critical study of ethics in Vaishnava-puranas; Hindu mythological text.
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  26. Jaina nītiśāstra: eka tulanātmaka vivecana.Pratibhā Jaina - 1995 - Vārāṇasī: Pārśvanātha Vidyāpīṭha.
    Comparative study of the Jaina and Hindu ethics.
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    Attributes of schematic faces in preschoolers’ use of names of emotions.Pratibha Paliwal & Albert E. Goss - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (3):139-142.
  28. Saṃskr̥te Jaina-Bauddha-paramparā.Sudha Rani & Rāmagulāma Miśra (eds.) - 2001 - Patna: Saṃskr̥ta Vibhāgah̨, Paṭanā Viśvavidyālayaḥ.
    Contributed articles presented at National Seminar on "Jain and Buddhist Traditions in Sanskrit" organised by Department of Sanskrit, University of Patna, Patna on 16-17 April 2000.
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    Other Kinds of Dreams.Pratibha Parmar - 1989 - Feminist Review 31 (1):55-65.
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  30. Enhancing Research on Academicians in Cambodian Higher Education: A Policy Perspective.Rany Sam, Morin Tieng, Hak Yoeng, Sarith Chiv, Mardy Serey & Sopheak Sam - manuscript
    Cambodia's higher education institutions (HEIs) face a number of challenges. Academics require increased access to resources and funding, as well as restrictions on academic freedom and significant language and cultural barriers. The purpose of this chapter is to identify and analyze the individual factors influencing academicians' research productivity in Cambodian higher education institutions, to examine and evaluate the impact of institutional factors on research productivity, to investigate and assess the external factors affecting research productivity, and to develop strategies to mitigate (...)
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  31. A structural model of parent and teacher influences on science attitudes of eighth graders: Evidence from NELS: 88.Rani George & David M. Kaplan - 1998 - Science Education 82 (1):93-109.
  32. Splitting the reference time: The analogy between nominal and temporal anaphora revisited1.Nelken Rani & Francez Nissim - 1997 - Journal of Semantics 14 (4).
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  33. Li and Filipino behavioural propriety.Ranie Villaver - 2020 - International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies 16 (2):85-115.
    This paper takes behavioural propriety as the source of ritual or the ritualistic in indigenous philosophy in the Philippines. Filipino understanding of behavioural propriety is seen in what have been identified as elements or features of indigenous philosophy in the country. These features are stored in pre-hispanic era (pre-16th century CE) maxims or proverbs and myths. In this paper, I engage conception of behavioural propriety in Filipino philosophy with that in Confucian philosophy. In Confucian philosophy, it is “li” 禮 which (...)
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  34. A modal interpretation of the logic of interrogation.Rani Nelken & Chung-Chieh Shan - 2006 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 15 (3):251-271.
    We propose a novel interpretation of natural-language questions using a modal predicate logic of knowledge. Our approach brings standard model-theoretic and proof-theoretic techniques from modal logic to bear on questions. Using the former, we show that our interpretation preserves Groenendijk and Stokhof's answerhood relation, yet allows an extensional interpretation. Using the latter, we get a sound and complete proof procedure for the logic for free. Our approach is more expressive; for example, it easily treats complex questions with operators that scope (...)
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  35. The logic of `if' — or how to philosophically eliminate conditional relations.Rani Lill Anjum - 2007 - Sorites 19:51-57.
    In this paper I present some of Robert N. McLaughlin's critique of a truth functional approach to conditionals as it appears in his book On the Logic of Ordinary Conditionals. Based on his criticism I argue that the basic principles of logic together amount to epistemological and metaphysical implications that can only be accepted from a logical atomist perspective. Attempts to account for conditional relations within this philosophical framework will necessarily fail. I thus argue that it is not truth functionality (...)
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    What Evidence? Whose Medicine? And On What Basis?Rani Lill Anjum - 2017 - The Philosophers' Magazine 77:35-40.
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    Letter.Rani Drew - 1996 - Feminist Review 53 (1):130-130.
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    Bauddhadarśanatattvavimarśaḥ.Rameśa Kumāra Dvivedī - 2014 - Vārāṇasyām: Sampūrṇananda Saṃskr̥ta Viśvavidyālaye.
    Research work on Buddhist philosophy and doctrines.
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  39. Cāritra.Manilal Nabhubhai Dvivedi - 1977 - Amadāvāda: Sastuṃ Sāhitya Vardhaka Kāryālaya.
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    Consumer Protection Law in Ancient India.Pratibha Goyal, Mini Goyal & Shailja Goyal - 2013 - Journal of Human Values 19 (2):147-157.
    It is the primary duty of business to satisfy consumer by providing quality goods and services at right place, right time, in right quantity at a fair price. The need for consumer protection is recognized by law makers in India since ancient times. It was very well realized that a consumer is prone to exploitation on the part of providers of goods and services. Therefore, the ancient Indian law codes regulated not only social conditions but also the economic life of (...)
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    An appeal against the item's death sentence: Accounting for diagnostic data patterns with an item-based model of visual search.Rani Moran, Heinrich René Liesefeld, Marius Usher & Hermann J. Müller - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Revolutionary Consumerism.Pratibha Parmar - 1984 - Feminist Review 17 (1):82-82.
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    The Yoga-sūtras of Patañjali: Saṃskṛt text and English translation together, with an introduction and an appendix, and notes on each sutra based upon several authentic commentaries, all in English. Patañjali & Manilal Nabhubhai Dvivedi - 1980 - Delhi: exclusively distributed by Indian Books Centre. Edited by Manilal Nabhubhai Dvivedi.
    Aphoristic work on the meditational fundamentals of the Yoga school of Indic philosophy.
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  44. Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti.Of Pratibha - 1990 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 18:95-112.
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    Comment on the report of the international panel on social progress, chapter 3: Economic Inequality and Social Progress.Uma Rani - 2018 - Economics and Philosophy 34 (3):451-456.
    Chapter 3 discusses the causes, patterns and dynamics of inequalities in an exhaustive review of the literature on inequality of income, expenditure and wealth among individuals and households. It emphasizes how these inequalities reflect and affect inequality along various dimensions, including political freedom, economic opportunity, health, education and social outcomes. It gives three sets of policy recommendations for different populations: policies to improve the conditions among the poor, the vulnerable and the socially excluded; policies geared towards supporting the growth and (...)
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  46. Country Patterns of Behavior on Broader Dimensions of Human Development.Gustav Ranis, Emma Samman & Frances Stewart - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur (eds.), Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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    The Buddhist philosophy as presented in Mīmāṁsā-śloka-vārttika.Vijaya Rani - 1982 - Delhi: Parimal Publications.
    Study of the Buddhist philosophy as presented in Kumārila Bhaṭṭa's Ślokavārttika, 7th century exegesis of Śabarasvāmī's Mīmāṃsābhāṣya, commentary on Jaimini's Mīmāṃsāsūtra.
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    Examining the impacts of artificial intelligence technology and computing on digital art: a case study of Edmond de Belamy and its aesthetic values and techniques.Sunanda Rani, Dong Jining, Dhaneshwar Shah, Siyanda Xaba & Khadija Shoukat - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-19.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the way that art is created and consumed, allowing artists to create unique, engaging works with high computing power that can supplement their creative process. This manuscript explores the creative process of using AI technology in digital art to create paintings and evaluates creativity based on the aesthetic value and components of works created by AI. This research seeks to understand how AI technology influences the art world through a practice-led methodology with a descriptive (...)
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  49. With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.Rani Lill Anjum & Stephen Mumford - 2013 - In Benedikt Kahmen & Markus S. Stepanians (eds.), Critical Essays on "Causation and Responsibility". De Gruyter. pp. 219-238.
    Omissions are sometimes linked to responsibility. A harm can counterfactually depend on an omission to prevent it. If someone had the ability to prevent a harm but didn’t, this could suffice to ground their responsibility for the harm. Michael S. Moore’s claim is illustrated by the tragic case of Peter Parker, shortly after he became Spider-Man. Sick of being pushed around as a weakling kid, Peter became drunk on the power he acquired from the freak bite of a radioactive spider. (...)
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  50. Bauddha dharma-darśana evaṃ dharmanirapekshatā.Rameśa Kumāra Dvivedī & Hariścandramaṇi Tripāṭhī (eds.) - 1999 - Vārāṇasī: Sampūrṇānanda Saṃskr̥ta Viśvavidyālaya.
    Study on Buddhism and philosophy, and secularism; seminar papers. study.
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